SOS organised a demonstration on 27 November to call for the cessation of the Zubieta incinerator
  • Ancín SOS has advanced that he is organizing a “great demonstration” to call for the immediate cessation of the Zubieta incinerator. The mobilisation called for on 27 November will start from the Kursaal of San Sebastian at 12 noon and end in Sagües on the Zurriola sea route. Motto of the demonstration “Orain Bai, Gelditu! It will be “Dialogue and Solution” and the leaders of Ancuses have explained that they have already achieved the support of many social actors.
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Ancín SOS has announced that the deadline for joining its mobilisation is open, but several players and personalities have already given it their own: Ecologist groups Eguzki, Ekologistak Martxan or Greenpeace, CCOO, ELA and LAB unions, Ulia and Gros (Hondarpe) neighbourhood associations, the Indarra de Gros surf association, based in Zurriola, players closely related to the sea such as the trainers Juanmari Maketaki Cultural actors have also been listed: Kristiñe Solano (Mothers), Andoni Bastarrika, Gorka Otxoa, etc.

Various actors and personalities have demonstrated their commitment to the mobilization announced by AnclSOS. (Photo: Noau).

During the hearing, the respondents argued the situation they reported:

“The authorities promised before the incinerator:

- That if the limit of polluting discharges in the air were exceeded, there would be an automatic system to stop burning waste.

- If the pollution parameters were not met, the incinerator would stop and would not be restarted until the problem was resolved.

(…) STOP the incinerator until the source of these serious pollution problems is identified and remedied and there are guarantees that the malfunctioning of the incinerator has been reviewed and resolved.

This incinerator needs strict democratic control, which is currently lacking.

We have to demand that the authorities comply with the given word.”

The leaders of Ancuss have also presented a short video to warm up the climate of mobilization: