The Guggenheim Bilbao Foundation condemned for violating the right to strike
  • The Guggenheim Bilbao Foundation has been ordered to compensate and rehire a worker who went on strike in 2016 and was subsequently dismissed for violating his right to strike.
ARGIA @argia 2018ko martxoaren 27a
Guggenheimen lanean aritu ziren hezitzaileak, 2016ko argazkian, euren egoeraren berri emateko prentsaurrekoan / LAB

In the summer of 2016, eighteen educators from Manpower Group Solutions SLU, subcontracted by the Museum and organized in the LAB union, went on strike for “invoking the incorporation of the subrogation clause in the tender sheets and improvements in the very precarious working and salary conditions they were experiencing,” the union reported.

The Guggenheim Museum Foundation’s response was to internationalise the service they wanted to continue outsourcing, allocating only three employees and dismissing the eighteen employees who previously offered the service. "These three workers were the only ones who did not strike," the union says.

Last January came the verdict in favor of one of the workers who filed the individual complaint, and now the second, "with the same result," in the words of the LAB.

"From the LAB we value in a very positive way that, over and above what the workers suffered during this year and a half, the injustice they suffered has finally been recognized. We want to highlight the combative attitude of the workers to the violation of their rights and throughout the conflict, and we congratulate them for this, because once again they have shown that organization and struggle are the way forward against precariousness."