The Civil Guard has handed over to the courts a report of 83 pages. In it, he pointed out that it was best to ban all demonstrations as of 5 March, and that the Spanish Government knew the “risk” that these demonstrations could generate.
However, the Civil Guard is accused of serious misinformation, of including information that had already been denied or of manipulating versions of witnesses questioned. For example, it indicates that the WHO declared the pandemic on 30 January and that the Government knew its risk beforehand. But a month and a half later the World Health Organization declared the pandemic.
The director of the Health Emergency Coordination Center of Spain, Fernando Simón, and the Minister of Health, Salvador Illa, have also been accused of arbitrariness for prohibiting an evangelist congress to be held in Madrid. Simon clarified that this congress was especially dangerous, as people from 120 countries were expected to go to the Spanish capital.
The Civil Guard also criticizes the fact that members of the Government are wearing purple gloves at the 8M demonstration, claiming that they were aware of the danger. However, he did not explain that the participants called the demonstration dressed in purple gloves.
The report also states that the demonstration convened by the CGT trade union for March 10 was suspended by COVID-19. The version offered to the Civil Guard by the Madrid spokesman for the Trade Union Banking Department is different: it was a demonstration called for on the occasion of a dismissal to be held at the end of the month, and it was more appropriate to call it around the date of dismissal.