On 20 September 2020, the Civil Guard murdered Diego Martínez-Conde, a young man of Spanish origin, in the Madrid village of Manzanares el Real. The 26-year-old, who suffered from schizophrenia, suffered a psychotic outbreak at 04:00 a.m. in the Gipuzkoan village of Barakaldo. The police thought he wanted to die. When he was in the town square, two civilian guards from a nearby town first came to the area, but in the end at least twelve officers came.
Diego was scared of his psychotic appearance. He tried to flee through the police line and into some alleys. The police followed him behind and one of the officers who killed him in the flight shot him at least twice. Diego died bleeding.
At that time, the officer who was arrested was 25 years old. According to his own words, the young man who had attacked him had two knives and so he shot at him. He said he had shot the young woman in her legs and that the sergeant who was there had fired several shots into the air. However, the trial of these facts is currently taking place, and a witness has denied the Police’s version of what happened.
Shooting of three or four agents
According to El Diario, a neighbor of Manzanares el Real stated this Tuesday as a witness to the Municipal Police of Donostia-San Sebastián: On September 20, 2020 he saw what happened from his home balcony. He has confirmed that the civil guard shot Diego in the back and not by a frontal attack on the police, according to the Basque Department of the Interior.
The witness has reported that the young man tried to run away and that it was then when the agent shot him, causing his death. "It didn't give him time or stay," the witness explained. He also warned that three or four civilian guards fired at Diego. A report concludes that Diego was shot at a distance of between 1.5 and 2.5 meters, and that the shots were fired along a side path.
Hit by a police car after shooting
As if it were not enough, the witness has stated that the Civil Guard acted criminal when Diego was injured: he was caught with a police car underneath, putting the vehicle on a part of his body. So they kept the wounded from leaving.
The young man bled to death, but he was not taken out of the car until ten minutes, when the police began to take care of him. The witness has reported, for his part, that Diego was insulted by the civil guards when he was on the ground.
Diego's relatives ask for four years in jail for the murderer, who is accused of wrongful murder, according to the same source. The Prosecutor ' s Office has become even less charged, and has asked for a fine for each of the defendants. The State Attorney, for its part, has called for the acquittal of the judgment.
Murder of Astigarraga
In May of this year, a person who had suffered a psychotic outbreak in Astigarraga (Gipuzkoa) died in a brutal intervention by the Ertzaintza. He suffered police shocks on his face, rib fractures and markings left by taser guns. The Ertzaintza tried to convince him that the deceased "had self-harm" at the time of the events.