The Civil Guard installed 943 controls in 2017 in the Southern Basque Country
  • There were 539 in the UAE and 404 in Navarre. On average, 2.6 controls were placed per day.
Asier Gonzalez de San Pedro @asiertxiki98 2018ko uztailaren 26a
Guardi Zibila kontrola lortu du informazioa (Argazkia: leonnoticias)

The information provided by the Government was the answer to a question posed by Marian Beitialarrangoitia, member of the EH Assembly of the Spanish Congress of Deputies.

January was the month with the highest number of controls (196) in June and July, three times as many as in June and four times as many months remaining from August to the end of the year.

When asked about the accident caused by a Guardi Civil control in Argantzune on January 31, the government said that the agents were “properly” installed and that when they learned of the accident they left the control and went to offer help. But according to witnesses, the accident was caused by the control of the civil guards.