LAB denounces that the Guardia Civil has entered the classrooms in Navarra on the pretext of a competition
  • The armed forces have organised a contest on cybersecurity and the initiative has reached all the ESO centres in Navarra, the final phase of which will be held at the Aranjuez Civil Guard Academy. The LAB union has recalled the “black lists” elaborated by the Civil Guard years ago, according to the ideology of the teachers.
Julene Flamarique 2024ko azaroaren 07a
Nafarroako hainbat ikasle Ikasnova erabiltzen< Nafarroako Gobernua

The LAB syndicate has described as “inappropriate and whistle-blowing” that the Civil Guard has used the Ikasnova platform of the Government of Navarra to attract students to a cybersecurity competition. LAB has appealed to the educational community not to participate in the learning process of students “Spanish Armed Institute, naturally military”.

As reported in a statement, the Civil Guard initiative has reached all ESO centres in Navarre, both public and concerted. The final phase of the competition will be held at the Academia de la Guardia Civil de Aranjuez (Spain) in Madrid.

LAB says the competition “is absolutely out of place” and reiterates that “the dark shadow of this Spanish armed institute is the ninth attempt at bleaching in the classrooms of Euskal Herria.” Thus, he has again asked Carlos Gimeno, head of the Department of Education of Navarra, not to broadcast it because in the classrooms “there is no need for the Civil Guard”.

He also recalled “the actions carried out by the Civil Guard against hundreds of members of the educational community of Navarre”, such as the “black lists” that took up the ideologies of teachers years ago, later disseminated by the media to the four vientos.El union has

added that “it cannot accept that organisations that have violated the rights of workers enter the classrooms”. He has asked the Department of Education not to join “this military organization project that defends its regressive values and has been suppressing and criminalizing teachers and students from Navarra.” LAB has also called on the Education Community not to participate in the competition, and has asked the Education Community to be vigilant and to denounce such projects.