The Greek police forcibly takes over the Exarchia district of Athens
  • The neighborhood is known for its rebellious character, and that is why it has been from the very beginning one of the views of the new right-wing government. When two months ago the victory of ND New Democracy was not achieved two months ago, the armed forces beat Exarchia.
Amaia Lekunberri Ansola 2019ko abuztuaren 26a

Prime Minister Kyriakos Mitsotakis speaks of the eviction of Exarchia from the election campaign and by mid-July the Minister of Public Order, Michalis Chrysochoidis, and the Prison Policy Officer, Lefteris Economou, announced that the neighborhood was ready to be attacked. Since then, the portal reported that the neighborhood has been preparing for self-defense.

The excuse used by the government to invade the neighborhood, a model of resistance, has been that the trafficking of drugs and weapons in Athens has its origin in Exarchia. With this argument, they have announced the eviction of the occupied buildings in order, according to them, to find drugs, weapons and combat material in the area. On the morning of Monday, August 26, they forcibly broke into the neighborhood.

According to information provided by Yannis Youlountas through Alasbarricadas, police have stormed the neighborhood on a force display: riot police (MAT), anti-terrorist police (OPKE), motorized anti-crisis units (DIAS), secret police (asphalts), a helicopter and numerous drones have invaded the streets of Exarchia. The raid was directed in the first hours to four occupied spaces: Spirou Trikoupi 17, Transit, Rosa de Tecla and Gare have entered the buildings and have thrown people into the streets. After the event, the fire brigade went to the Notara building, located in number 26. In the words of Youlount, this is the main symbolic centre for neighbours as the first to be occupied in the context of the refugee crisis. Since then, the neighborhood has welcomed many migrants, which would be another important factor in understanding the government's interest in evicting the neighborhood.

According to data provided by the Greek police on the occasion of the Monday raid, 143 refugees have been expelled from the occupied buildings. Upon entering the Police buses, they have been transferred to the neighborhood in order to get to know the situation in the country. Many of them have become at risk of deportation, and most have reportedly sought asylum to prevent the massacre. Youlountas pointed out that a fortnight of children have been destined for camps with poor conditions, according to Youlount.

According to information provided by the AMNA news agency, about 100 people have been detained throughout the morning. They have denounced that access to the neighbourhood is only allowed to major media around the world.

Messages disseminated in solidarity with the Exarchei are increasing as the day progresses. Many have read police persecution as a strategy for expelling refugees and hitting the anarchist movement, among others.