  • For the feminism of Euskal Herria, the life of all of us and us is reason enough to invade streets through general strike, even inside the house. Because the cry for the lives of all and the idea itself implies, in itself, a balance of reasons to fight this society that some have as an oasis, a complete roadmap for political and symbolic confrontation. Because it is life itself that is played here, dignified, healthy, just, independent and free lives. And a new ethic, because we also have it on the ganancial list. In short, a new way of organizing society, putting name, value and how not! to the maintenance production that is now under the carpet and that is fundamental.
Nora Salbotx Alegria 2023ko abenduaren 01
Argazkia: Pello Maudo Herrero / ARGIA CC BY-SA

If the day after the strike this is softening, surely today you too will be ruining the 'strike' of drunk feminism yesterday. As friends of the other sectors, students, mothers, teachers, cooks, cleaners, gatekeepers, researchers, etc. They were putting our grain in the streets yesterday, and we're back today to the centers with a nice hangover. The battery, loaded with feminism and fraternity, returns to the lives of the people of education and, supposedly, with enough force to make new decisions.

Bell hooks said that academia itself is not a paradise and that, on the contrary, through learning you can create paradises, because education is a space with that capacity. And he added that we should strive to make a radical attempt to practice freedom through education, as well as the content and ways of doing, through practices that are going to cross our inseparable mental bodies, that are going to be feminists, antiracists, decolonials and that go beyond the homogenizing interests of the bourgeoisie. Therefore, this patriarchal, colonial and classicist education should face the suppression of identities and bodies that impulses with the collective voice of the oppressed.

And, look, among the teachings that yesterday brought us to those whom we want to educate, care, study and teach critically, is to know that here is an education capable of generating paradises. In educational spaces, in academia, in non-formal spaces of leisure, art, sport and education, as well as in almost every privileged place for learning, and in whom we will have to count in thousands. So there's a balance of feminist allies in favor of all those little barricades of everyday education.

From it, and because we know that the humid space, as for the reproduction of the system, can be a priority place for the transformation of the world, let us today make feminist pedagogy of care, so that we all have the capacity to care for ourselves, neighbors and nature, but also to extract the patriarchal fallacy of individualistic independence, radically politicize care and improve its new practice and ethics. In short, we will strongly shake the curricula and programs, the plans and the spaces, the roles and the relationships, the scimite trench, until the patriarchal cotorra layer that they carry disappear.

And now we are going to celebrate, as we deserved, this yellowish “strike,” in favor of the new pickets that will bring feminist pedagogy to a standstill. China! !

Nora Salbotx Alegría, teacher