Trade unions are prepared to go on strike if they do not block the negotiation of the Navarre Nursing Home Agreement
  • The LAB, ELA, UGT and CCOO trade unions have explained at a press conference that, if there is no progress in negotiation, there will be more mobilizations and are willing to call a strike. On 21 October they will hold a concentration in front of the headquarters of the LARES employers in Pamplona/Iruña.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko urriaren 07a
(Argazkia: LAB)

The unions appeared at a press conference on Thursday to demand the unblocking of collective bargaining in nursing homes in Navarre. A joint platform has also been presented and it has been denounced that LARES employers have so far shown no willingness to negotiate on the partnership agreement with employers.

According to LAB, ELA, UGT and CCOO, in the 70 residences of Navarra there are about 4,500 workers and want to talk about their working conditions. They have thus warned that if no progress is made in the meeting with the employers on 14 October they will speed up the mobilisations and before the end of the year they will call for a strike in the primary sector of the residences.

For the time being, they have convened a concentration on Thursday 21 October in Pamplona, opposite the headquarters of ALLES in the Navarra capital.