Those who have given or bring the strike
Ainhoa Etxaide Amorrortu 2023ko abenduaren 01
A30eko greba egunean Martuteneko eakumeen zaintza lanen egoera salatzen. Argazkia: Urko Apaolaza / ARGIA CC-BY-SA

Conditions, time, consensus… There are many things to consider when calling a general strike. If more is a feminist strike, it is nowhere written what that is, and yet we know how difficult it is to move from the writings to the plaza and from the plazas to the workplaces. But we have done it! The Feminist Movement of the Basque Country has represented and drawn a process. Build basic consensus.

We claimed that in Pandemia they were fundamental works and today what is at stake is what system we need to reorganize surveillance tasks. The institutions have not been able to avoid this debate.

We claimed that in Pandemia they were fundamental works and today what is at stake is what system we need to reorganize surveillance tasks. The institutions have not been able to avoid this debate.

We have created, formed and consolidated a new centre. A center that is uncomfortable for those who live on their backs to care, for those who see care as a business, and very uncomfortable for those who carry it from the administrations.

And in this centralization of surveillance, we have put the surveillance tasks at the center of the discussion, the object of the debate is care, and so we have done, among others, surveillance personnel as subject. We cannot discuss a new system that reorganizes surveillance tasks without the prominence of workers.

When they look seriously at the needs of the baby boom generation, giving centrality to the struggle of care is correct, yes. But the response to these needs with the fair system will be the result of a process that must give rise to the recognition and payment of what is due to those who today need care, those who work today in care and those who, being caretakers throughout life, remain unworthy and without earned rights.