Erandio Naval Assistant Workers Start Indefinite Strike
  • The workers of the Naval Assistant (LAN) have decided to start an indefinite strike as of 19 February after denouncing in recent months the situation of the company and the "bad management" of the management. "The owner Antonio Arredondo has decapitalized the company and brought the money to other companies of his property," they have denounced the same sources.
Hiruka .eus 2020ko otsailaren 19a
LANeko langileek iaz egindako moblizazio bat (argazkia: enpresa batzordea).

"Here there was work and we would be in a position to move forward in the worst years of the crisis, if it were not for management," said Lan's workers. It is the only company in the state that produces windows, porches and the like for ships, and one of the few in Europe. However, clients and orders have been reduced "due to poor management" and safety at work "is not as good as it should be" for them.

At the moment two and a half salaries are due to the workers. Some of them were subject to a temporary employment regulation dossier but do not receive any compensation, as "the management does not correctly comply with the dossier's documentation".

They have therefore decided to call for an indefinite strike since 19 February. They denounce that the company has not fulfilled its commitments in the meeting with the Labour Inspectorate and ask the institutions to intervene in order to redirect the situation: "Don't let the homeowners play with our lives, there's a question of 25 families about the future," he added.