Workers in the warehouse in Elorrio de Eroski start a strike, mostly migrants
  • Strike from 11 to 16 December. ELA says that the “statalization” of the convention is the responsibility of the “hard working conditions”.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko abenduaren 11

Strike by the staff of the Eroski store in Elorrio. From 11 to 16 December, the unions ELA and LAB have called for a strike to “dignify the conditions” of the workers. About 130 people work in the warehouse. 100% of the staff have joined the strike and have stated that they will "continue to fight" until working conditions are improved.

Trade union elections were held in May, and there are six ELA members and three LAB members in the working committee. ELA denounces workers’ “harsh working conditions”: “Most are racist men who have been receiving minimum wages for years, working on shifts and holidays, loading and tending to work on days of rest.”

ELA points out that “statehood” is responsible for: “The Department Department Department Department Department Convention, the state agreement signed by CCOO and UGT in 2023, and the working conditions it collects are far from the conditions of the CAPV.” The union also notes the objectives of the strike: “Implementation of the Bizkaia Food Convention, establishment of effective measures in the field of health and labour prevention, paid breaks and annual timetable leading to arbitrary changes and unilateral flexibility”.