Strike by public education teachers of Navarra on 3 April
  • 10,000 public education teachers are on strike on 3 April. The trade unions LAB, Steilas, CCOO, ELA and UGT want to force the Government of Navarra to enter into real negotiations on the working conditions of teachers.
Euskalerria irratia @fm983irratia 2023ko martxoaren 07a

The education sector unions are tired because at the negotiating table the Government of Navarra does not value their demands. Trade unions have denounced in their call for a strike "The main instrument of collective bargaining has sought to become an advisory body, it has not been a space to negotiate working conditions that affect us all".

They ask the Government of Navarra to open an urgent negotiation to meet the professors' labor demands: decrease of ratios in all educational stages, salary increase with the CPI, maintenance of temporality below the actual 8% and reduction of the bureaucratic overload in order to dedicate time to the students' needs. With these demands, the unions consider that in addition to improving the working conditions of teachers, they would improve the service they offer.