Abertzale militant Graxi Etxebehere dies
  • At age 72, he gets cancer, after several years of fighting him. Passionate left-wing and Abertzale, from the cultural and political life of the people of Ortzaize, where they lived, to the struggle for national liberation, has been implicated in several struggles.
Jenofa Berhokoirigoin @Jenofa_B 2023ko abuztuaren 30
Grazi Etxebehere, aurtengo Aberri Egunean, Itsasun. Argazkia: Bagira

Graxi Etxebehere, a 72-year-old Ortzaizta native dies of cancer. Vascophilus and nationalist, his militancy had long been known. Finally, at the Aberri Eguna this year we were able to see reading the expression "Izan gara, bagira", sponsored by 60 Basque nationalists, Itsasun.

Naiz has spread the message this morning and since then thanks and pain messages are multiplied on social media.

He was arrested in 2015 by the refuge of Iñaki Reta and Xabier Goienetxea, members of ETA, along with the two ortzaiztarras. In the interview with Berria, he said: "I am very clear that we have to support the peace process and that is through the support of [ETA] to disarm. Speaking requires people on both sides. The organization has taken very important steps, the armed struggle is no more... Disarmament is another step, and the necessary conditions have been laid down at the Paris Peace Conference. These conditions are in the hands of the States and in our hands, helping the process and disarmament". It is part of the network of Artisans of Peace.

This opening of the house doors was old: "We helped the militants who supported the Basque Country. Franco and his relatives wanted to belittle all these people – they tortured, killed – and they defended that what we wanted to defend was what we wanted to defend, so there were among us…, among people who did not share with everyone, but who have the same goal, there is a piru that unites you. For those people, it was close." This expression can be caused in an interview given to Irulegi Radio.

In essence, that is why he was incarcerated in 1992 and spent six months in the Fleur Merogis prison. Recently, in the interview with ARGIA, he said: "What has stuck me the most is how they play with us. You have an empty dossier and you go to jail. If they decide you're the best, reproduce the effort. That is not justice. Making someone guilty of a place that is nothing is political." The trial took place in 1995: In addition to Etchebe, a total of 80 people were tried in Paris – the defendants were Basques and Bretons – and unanimously denounced the “criminalisation” of these shelters.

Involved in Urbanism

He participated in the theater of the Ortzaiz horseback riding, which was published last year. Patient of Ordungoz, although he played a ttip role, he was there, forming part of his favorite collectivity.

In the Ortzaiz ride, in the theater, right. Photo:Séverine Dabadie MUS

She was also part of the founders of the Basaizea association, organizer of the Day of Navarra in the late 1970s. Like other inhabitants of the time of the continental Basque Country, he became a patriot in his youth. There was room for Basaizea militancy or the Left Nationalist Movement EMA in the political sphere.

She was a nurse by profession and had health as a right and a public service, especially in the rural world at risk of evacuation. For many years he served the people in his house, in some villages typical of Lower Navarre – Ortzaiz, Bidarrai, Arrosa, Irisarri...–.

Another example of this involvement in favor of the people was the questioning of the sale of the Etxebestia house of Ortzaiz in 2015. The Garbi association wanted to leave the house to the diocese, but Etxebehere himself opposed it, demanding and winning the matter. As a channel of social and cultural offerings, it led the struggle for that space to be outside the property of the Church.

He gave the last sigh tonight, being at home until the last moment, among the closest. He also talked about illness and death in the interview with Irulegi Radio. He said, inter alia: "If you have to share, let it be with a peaceful interior. And I think it will be like this, because all the things in my life are in place. And then, look, let it be with dignity. I have no intention of dying, I wouldn't want to, but I wouldn't want to cloud or save that moment either."