Both filmmakers presented the animated documentary film at the Festival de Cannes in San Sebastian, and then they were at the Festival de Cine de San Sebastián. Together with Polish animator Damian Nenow in 1975, Angolan compiles the experiences of Polish writer and journalist Ryszard Kapuściński, rocking animation and real images.
Raúl de la Fuente (Pamplona, 1974) is a journalist, film director and screenwriter. Its main trajectory has been carried out in documentary film. The first film was Nomadak Tx (2006). In 2014 he won the Goya with Minerita. In 2015, Minerita was nominated for the best documentary short.
In September 2018, journalist Reyes Ilintxeta interviewed Raúl de la Fuente at the San Sebastian Film Festival for the film ARGIA. Ilintxeta asked Kapuściński why he had chosen him and the director replied: “It’s always marked me. I've read all of his books, and he encouraged me to travel to Africa. There has always been a kind of link between us. I have always been astonished. He's a writer, not a war journalist, and many say he's been the greatest chronicler of the 20th century. I was very poetic, very sensitive, I knew Africa very well. It's amazing how Angola's breakdown was told, when in 1975 it succeeded in separating itself from Portugal. It describes how the city of Luanda [capital of Angola] remains an empty skeleton when the settlers return to Portugal, how they carried all their things to the pier, in wooden boxes, to board ships… I have always imagined it as an animated graphic novel.”
Three other Basques have been awarded the Goya at the awards given by the Spanish Film Academy 2010. Arantxa Etxebarria has received the award to Best Director Novel for his film “Carmen y Lola”, Josu Intxaustegi for Best Photography and Clara Bilbao for Best Costume.