The Israeli Government accuses Spain of being a ‘paradise to sow hatred’
  • The Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Spanish Embassy in Israel have accused Spain of "flouting terrorism" in view of the mobilizations held this weekend in numerous cities of the Spanish State.
Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 07a
Urriaren 5eko Bilboko mobilizazioa. Ecuador Etxea

Mass demonstrations took place during the weekend in more than 40 cities in the Spanish State, including Bilbao and Pamplona. Thousands have taken to the streets in support of Palestine on 5 and 6 October. In the face of these protests, the Israeli Ministry of Foreign Affairs has considered "unacceptable that a democratic society should allow terrorism to flourish" and that Spain has become "a paradise for sowing Israeli hatred and promoting its destruction".

On Monday, the Spanish Foreign Minister, José Manuel Albars, said that Israel's accusation "is out of place." And if anti-Semitism is believed to have occurred in any protest against the war, he has asked for it to be brought before the Public Prosecutor’s Office as a hate crime.

The Platform for Solidarity with Palestine called for the mobilization to be carried out in the Biscayan capital. In a demonstration in favour of Palestinian resistance and against the Zionist State of Israel, they showed their support for "all those fighting the Zionist monster". Slogans such as supporting the Palestinian resistance or dealing with Israel and its accomplices have been heard along the streets of Bilbao and Pamplona/Iruña. They have demanded the cessation of the genocide in Palestine and the cessation of all government relations with Israel after their arrest n.La demonstration began at 18:00 in Pamplona/Iruña. A genocide, a group of over 10,000 people was concentrated after a 76-year-old resistance banner.