Body habitat
  • The doors of Artgia were opened in June. This exhibition room is located in the Vitorian district of Judimendi, and has recently premiered the 41 Habitat exhibition, by Hernaniarra Uxue Bereziartua. The illustrator tells us about 41 spaces or microclimates, and for that she puts the woman's body in the center.
Marta Sendiu Zulaika @martasendiu 2020ko ekainaren 05
Argazkia: Argiart

The Artgia center and room has been closed for 75 days by COVID-19, but on May 31 it opened its doors with renewed forces. This space that allows individual and collective artistic offerings is based on artistic creation and cultural management. Artgia is more than a place for the exhibition, it is an art gallery to meet, share and learn, and will take care of the works of Berexi from May 31 to June 15.

Berexi, the artistic name of Uxue Bereziartua, has been one of the winners of the EmART 2019 scholarship, the call for young creators. The Guipuzkoan has been working for years on illustration, design, serigraphy and tattoos, and has the habit of playing with palettes of their own colors. The colours most commonly used are light green, pink, orange, yellow and brown, although they occasionally introduce different touches to their works.

In the exhibition he has just presented, he has drawn in different paintings 39 different women, moving away from the canons that prevail in society. In the images, the alu, breasts, hair, penises and bare bodies predominate. She reflects on obesity, motherhood, hair removal, pregnancy, femininity and sexuality.

Each illustration wants to express a feeling, a different situation, a reality of life, a world of various sensations. The numerous internal conflicts that women live are manifested and, as the author says, it is an act of looking at the tiny interiors, how many insects will live inside this woman and how many will they already go?

To work the imagination in this exhibition, the author gives us the opportunity to choose and guess the story behind each body. Freedom to imagine what has happened and will happen in every habitat.