The City of Gorliz must compensate the local police woman who received vejatory treatment
  • In 2019, a Gorliz Municipal Police officer reported having suffered severe abusive treatment and sexual conduct by a man of his membership, and therefore requested his dismissal in 2021. Now, the Social Court No. 2 of Bilbao has ruled that the City Council did not take any preventive action in the face of the aggression and condemns the worker to compensate him with 29,690,76 euros.
Hiruka .eus Nahia Martinez Gondra 2024ko uztailaren 11
Argazkia: Ser katea

The ELA trade union explained that the ruling recognises that, in the face of the situation of harassment of working women, the City of Gorliz did not implement the necessary preventive measures. For this reason, the City Council will have to compensate the worker with EUR 29,690 for the liability for non-compliance with measures to prevent occupational risks.

The persecution occurred during the legislature of the former government team of the PNV. However, as reported by the union, the current municipal government, Gorliz Bizirik, has shown its solidarity with the worker "facilitating the safe return to their job".