Gorka Roca Torreri Protection Card
  • On 26 March, Gorka Roca Torre will be tried before the Baiona court for intervening in both acts on behalf of UNESCO. Suppressing, painting, and removing signaling supports... Even if they are not the types of actions that the Basque Confederation prioritizes in its activity, it is understandable that some militant vascophiles or groups take place when they see that the Basque Country is in the background or is rejected in the public space.
Ipar Euskal Herrian euskararen alde lan egiten duten elkarte eta federazioen bilgunea Euskal konfederazioa 2024ko martxoaren 18a

On the other hand, it should not be forgotten that this type of action began in the 1980s, without which the public authorities may not have implemented the public linguistic policy.

A few decades ago the traffic signs, the signage of public buildings... began to be implemented in Euskera and twenty years that created the Public Institute of the Basque Country for the development of the public linguistic policy in favor of the Basque Country.

However, despite the advances, the presence of Euskera in the linguistic landscape of public space is still very limited nowadays, being especially important in daily life this spectacularity to demonstrate that Euskera is a living language and that it can be one of the elements that drive people to learn and use Euskera.

In addition, ensuring the presence of the Basque Country in this type of media helps to guarantee our right to receive information in Basque as a Basque speaker.

"The Basque Confederation wishes to denounce the criminalization of Basque defenders"

In this way, the Basque Confederation wishes to denounce the criminalisation of the defenders of the Basque Country, whose objective is none other than to promote the use of the Basque Country and respect for the linguistic rights of the Basque people through the different types of actions.

Considering that these reasons coincide with the objectives of the actions imputed to Gorka Roca Torre, through this document the Basque Confederation expresses its support for Gorka Roca Torre. The Basque people are also invited to come to the Baiona Court on 26 March at 13:45 a.m. to express their support.