Google receives a fine of EUR 250 million in France
  • The French Competition Authority imposes a fine of EUR 250 million on Google for serious infringements of market competition for actions in the digital advertising sector.
Sustatu 2024ko martxoaren 22a

The French Competition Authority has taken an important step against Google, sanctioned by a fine of EUR 250 million. The fine has been imposed for anti-competitive conduct in the digital advertising sector, accused of hampering the competitive market by using Google’s dominant position. The French authorities have pointed out that Google has used its dominant position to reduce the possibilities of competition and increase the use of its services, contrary to the criteria necessary to ensure a healthy market.

Google recognizes the consequences of these behaviors and proposes solutions to adapt their practices and promote a competitive market. The fine is part of a broader debate on the monitoring of competition in the digital field, in which the European institutions are increasingly paying attention to monitoring the activities of big technologies.

Google also said it used the "content of editors and news agencies", without warning, in order to enable the application of artificial intelligence Bard, now called Géminis.