In the morning they want to install another wind farm and all the procedures are underway from Madrid
  • The Sustraik Foundation has announced the project of a large wind farm in northern Navarre, located between Goizueta, Arano and Hernani. Both because of the size of the project and because it affects different autonomous communities, they are being processed from Madrid. @ahotsainfo 2023ko apirilaren 20a
Argazkia: Wikipedia / CC BY 3.0

Three weeks ago the Subai Foundation announced the movements of a company for the installation of new wind turbines in Bortziriak and Malerreka. Now, continuing with this "irrational developmentalist momentum," the intention has been announced to install a large wind polygon in the triangle between Goizueta, Arano and Hernani. Since it affects both the areas of Navarre and those of Gipuzkoa and the size of the project is large, it is being processed from Madrid.

The Subai Foundation has repeatedly taken a stand in favour of renewable energies, but on many occasions has been against this model being implemented. "This renewable expansion has nothing to do with the necessary democratic planning to meet social needs: how much energy we need, of what kind, where, who should supply and manage it. And, at the same time, it must be accompanied by measures to save and reduce fossil energy consumption: how to organize daily displacements, how to mitigate and replace the agricultural industrial model, how to promote a greater territorial balance, how to rethink the industrial model, how to adopt radical measures of job sharing and reproduction tasks, integrating all this the conservation and protection of biodiversity and our ecosystems", they explain.

Navarra, wind and photovoltaic area

Subai states that the balance of what has been done so far in Navarre should "worry us and alarm us". "The messy expansion of projects is causing the loss of thousands of hectares of cultivation and biodiversity," says the Foundation. They remember that the "last aberration" has occurred in Adios, where it is intended to install a photovoltaic park. It is noted that this photovoltaic park will involve the occupation of most cultivated land. "Despite the fulfilment of the objectives of the renewable installations set out in the Navarra Energy Plan, the granting of authorizations has continued to double the current installed power. This data coincides with the year-on-year decrease in electricity consumption in Navarre, while fossil energy consumption is maintained and C02 emissions are increased."

All these data would be enough to "put the brakes on", according to Subai, and they point out that it is time to critically analyze what is happening and the risks. "However, the energy and climate shortsightedness of the Government of Navarra, supported by the lack of silence and political debate, fuels energy multinationals against the interests of the social majority and the sustainability of the territory", they stress.