Goiener will continue to drive Energy Communities, respecting the environment and empowering society
  • The renewable energy cooperative Goiener has explained to its partners what the "Energy Communities" are. The European Union has regulated them but they have not been fully implemented in Spanish legislation and Goiener is "waiting for that" to explain the details of his proposal. But he has announced that the process of setting up the Energy Communities in the municipalities of Hernani and Leitza is underway and has stressed that what Goiener has been doing for 8 years is precisely that, creating Energy Communities. He highlights the characteristics of his way of doing: "We move away from Pharaonic projects (even those that are renewable), from models that perpetuate the use of fossil fuels or, above all, from activities that do not empower people."
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Goiener taldea 2013an, sortu zenean. Zortzi urte daramatza Energia-Komunitateak sustatzen, bazkideei gutunez azaldu dienez.

What are energy communities? As Goiener explained to its partners, the European Union defines them as follows: "They are legal entities that bring together individuals, small businesses, associations and local public authorities in order to jointly develop activities based on the promotion of renewable energies (electricity, heat and cold), energy efficiency, sustainable mobility, etc., seeking immediate social, environmental and economic benefits". Goiener, a reference cooperative in the Basque Country for the generation and purchase of renewable energies, explained that European legislation "has not been fully implemented in Spanish legislation". However, we can anticipate that in some municipalities, such as Hernani and Leitza, work is being done to prepare for the implementation of Energy Communities in a consistent, participatory and resilient way”.

What Goiener has been doing for 8 years

"And some of you will think -- but isn't that the same what Goiener has been doing for 8 years? That is it! That's exactly the good news," the cooperative stressed. "We have experience to support these kinds of initiatives, desire to continue learning and, above all, the best company to do this path: that of all our partners and collaborators."

Are all Energy Communities equal?

The public can conclude that not all the Energy Communities are the same, reading the characteristics that Goiener has set out to define his work: "Since we were born, we have wanted the energy to be of all and for all. That's why we're moving away from pharaonic (even renewable) projects, models that perpetuate the use of fossil fuels or, above all, activities that don't empower people.

For us, they are an Energy Community: people who want to take control at the local level in the future, using energy as a tool that allows a more just, supportive, environmentally friendly and empowered society".

"The path is to replicate at a small scale and at a very local level"

Goiener has pointed out that he is a "facilitator" in the following areas: In the legal-administrative area, in the technical-economic area and in the area of participatory empowerment. He explains that the road to the creation of the Energy Community wants to do so through these three principles:

- Analyzing the resources available in each territory, region and municipality, "to promote sustainable solutions and distributed generation. Prioritizing the non-occupation of land in the state of high territorial stress that surrounds us and taking advantage of existing infrastructures".

- Promoting energy saving and responsible consumption.

- Genuine, democratic and equitable participation.

In short, the replication of Goiener on a small scale and at a very local level is the way that Goiener has to deploy the Energy Communities.

It has encouraged partners to "if they believe there is an interest in starting such a project in the area" or to know "firsthand" what the Energy Communities are, by writing them to the contact address

The following video has also been broadcast: It is a webinar held on December 1, 2020 with 40 local entities in which Santiago Ochoa de Eribe explains the topic of Energy Communities: