28% of respondents believe that, at some point in the opposition to the Government, it may be necessary for citizens to take weapons, including 37% of the owners. Among Republicans, 35 percent think this way, and among Democrats, one in five.
He has also stated that the Government is corrupt. In fact, some of the citizens continue to question the legitimacy of the elections won by Joe Bidene. According to this survey, although 56% say the elections were fair, only 33% of Republicans think so.
Fragmented society
Another conclusion from the survey is that the fragmentation between conservatives and democrats is increasing. Over 70% of Republicans and over 70% of Democrats say that others are thugs who want to impose their political opinion. In addition, half believe that the other side is not well informed of the policy.
This Chicago University survey was conducted in May with 1,000 U.S. voters, with a margin of error of 3.53 points, according to The Hill policy journal.