Zigor Olabarria Oleaga @zoleaga1 2021eko urriaren 12a


Confining ourselves to some of the facts that have “been worth it” to be new in the October that has just begun: 1 October: A French man has drugged his wife for a decade to offer her online to rape her unconscious body, among the rapists there are doctors, fire fighters, journalists and jailers between 24 and 71 years old. 3 October: Football players have suspended the U.S. women’s football league’s day to denounce the sexual and psychological persecutions of two male coaches and the organization’s negligence. 4 October: The World Health Organization (WHO) and NGOs UNICEF, Oxfam and Médecins Sans Frontières (MSF) have accused 83 men of applying for sex in exchange for work, raping and aborting pregnant women. 5 October: In the period 1950-2000, at least 2,900 ecclesiastics were victims of sexual abuse by at least 330,000 minors in entities related to the French Catholic Church. 6 October: 24 female football players from Venezuela have publicly denounced the sexual, physical and psychological harassment suffered by a former male coach for years. 8 October: Sentenced to two years in prison the owner of a bar in Pamplona for violating an unconscious waiter who was in his house. Each case has its own network of complicity and protections, woven with active consensus and with a convenient omission of discrepancies.

Male neighbors and men from far corners of the world; educated and uneducated men; men of contemplation and men of action; young, old, thin, fat, smiling, dark, pleasant, unpleasant, single, married, divorced, parents, grandparents, without children; religious, agnostic, atheist men; men from poor and rich countries and poor;

Multi-virility, shared disease.