Men will also be able to compete in artistic swimming at the 2024 Olympic Games
  • The International Olympic Committee recognises that men will also be able to compete in team artistic swimming at the Olympic Games to be held in Paris in 2024.
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World Aquatics, the former International Swimming Federation, has announced that two of the eight teams can be men, as in the World Championships since 2015. Each country will decide whether or not men enter the group.

Artistic swimming, until 2017 synchronized swimming and formerly called water ballet, is an Olympic sport since 1984, only on a female level. Until 1941 it was a mixed discipline, but in that year the genders were separated, believing that the boys had a biological advantage, and the male lost strength little by little until he remained outside the Olympic Games.

In the words of World Aquatics President Husam Al-Musallam, the participation of men in Arctic swimming recognizes the effort of all those who have worked for it.