Arrested a man in Pamplona accused of killing a 20-year-old woman
  • A 27-year-old man has been arrested by the Municipal Police of Pamplona on Carmen Baroja Nessi street in the Errotxapea district. The woman's father has denounced that the man had threatened him with death and that he had communicated it to the police, but that they "did nothing".  
Julene Flamarique 2024ko urriaren 09a
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The attack occurred at 01:15 a.m. on a Rochapea descent. According to the Diario de Noticias de Navarra, the facts have occurred when the 20-year-old was in a room at the premises. The man has smashed the door to blows and punched several knives, some of them on the chest, and others on the chest.

To the site, troops have been displaced from the Municipal Police of Pamplona, as well as an ambulance and toilets. The woman was transferred to the Hospital Complex of the University of Navarra, where she died as a result of her injuries.

The woman’s father stated in the News Journal that “this crime could have been avoided”. The 20-year-old has been threatened with death before it occurred, and his father has denounced him three times. The father has reiterated that last Monday the man “threatened his daughter and his partner” and that the National Police did nothing: "They came and left. They didn't do more. All this could have been avoided," he denounced.