Arrested a man in Baiona for playing by bus to a woman
  • Sexual assault has occurred around 22:00 this Thursday in the Gipuzkoan village. The aggressor sat behind the victim on the bus and touched his chest. The man has been arrested by the police within one hour.
Iraitz Madariaga Etxebarria 2021eko abuztuaren 06a
Martxoak 8ko manifestazioa Baionan. Argazkia: Jenofa Berhokoirigoin

The aggression took place around 22:00 hours in the village of Baiona. A 55-year-old man has sat behind in the urban bus of a 20-year-old woman. When the vehicle stopped, she put her hand over the seat and touched the young woman's chest. The woman and the rest of the occupants of the bus have proceeded to dismantle the aggressor, who has been arrested.

According to Sud Ouest, the police arrested the man at around 23:30 hours. The bus cameras have confirmed the aggression, which has been used to identify the man on the spot. The victim shall make a statement in the Baiona court, where the young woman is charged.

Another attack in Bokale

Last Monday, a 25-year-old man attacked his former partner in the Labortana town of Bokale (Lapurdi), according to the Basque Department of the Interior. At the trial, the victim was threatened with violent death, according to local newspaper 'Berria'. The aggressor was imprisoned yesterday by the Foral Police of Navarra.