44% of men believe that equality policies have gone "too far" and that it is they who reject
  • This is the first monographic survey conducted by the Centre for Sociological Research of Spain (CIS) on “Gender Perceptions and Stereotypes of Equality between Men and Women”, where the majority of women participating in the research (65.5%) claim that this statement is false.
Izaro Villarreal Lauroba 2024ko urtarrilaren 16a
Emakumeen %67,2k uste du "oso handia edo nahiko handia" dela oraindik emakumeek jasaten duten diskriminazioa // Argazkia: Galiza Contrainfo (CC BY-NC-SA 2.0)

The Spanish CIS survey published the results of the research carried out by the center on Monday. On this occasion, 44.1% of men believe that equality policies have come "too far" and that they are now being excluded. The data seems contradictory. In fact, 48.2% of men indicate that inequalities between women and men remain “very high or quite high”.

This perception is different between women and men. 67.2% of women believe that the discrimination suffered by women remains “very high or quite high”, but this figure has dropped by 20 points when asking the same question to men. The survey also asks about the evolution of the last decade, and 70.7% of the population believe that these differences are now smaller than in previous decades. However, 22.4% of women say that the situation “has not changed so much” and that the difference is similar to that of ten years ago.

Opinions on the role of men in ending discrimination are also variable. 81.2% of women say equality will not be achieved “if men do not fight for women’s rights”. This statement is also affirmed by 74.2% of men.