One man denounces being raped by another man in Santurtzi
  • The man has denounced another male for assaulting the victim early on Saturday, according to the Ertzaintza report. Dozens of people, called by the City Hall, have concentrated this Monday in front of the City Hall to condemn the aggression, in a silent concentration. Meanwhile, the Ertzaintza is investigating what happened.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko maiatzaren 02a
Santurtziko Udalak deituta elkarretaratzea egin dute erasoa gaitzesteko. / Argazkia: EITB.

The events occurred early Saturday morning in the plaza of the port of Santurtzi, where the concerts of the festivities of St. George were held.

The Mayor, Aintzane Urkijo, has spread the message on the social networks of the Basque capital. "We at Santurtzi do not accept any kind of action that goes against the will of anyone," he said. "In the face of a complaint of rape filed by a compatriot of ours, this weekend in Santurtzi, supposedly by another man, I have called a Board of Spokesmen for tomorrow, to agree to a repulsion letter."

The Board of Spokespersons of the City Council shall meet before noon to prepare the statement of conviction of the accused.