The Civil Guard bought the shotgun online and handed it over to the aggressor on the Leioa campus.
  • The man entered the Leioa campus on Wednesday afternoon to shoot and legalized the weapon at the Civil Guard headquarters. In the attack there have been no injuries, only material damage. The Ertzaintza has arrested the 21 year-old student of the centre, who has been arrested by the Basque police.
Leire Artola Arin 2021eko urriaren 14a
Zientzia eta Teknologien fakultatean kalte materialak eragin ditu. / Argazkia: Twitter

The 21-year-old who entered on Wednesday night at the Leioa campus of the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) with a shotgun bought the weapon on its Milclassified internet portal a day earlier and collected it at the Civil Guard’s headquarters at the time of legalization of their roles, according to El Subsequently, the aggressor carried out several fire tests in the shooting range of Artxanda, before heading to the campus.

Itxaso explained that the young man received a hunting permit a few weeks ago and that all the documents in his possession "are within the psycho-technical test and the criminal advances".

The man, who entered the Faculty of Health Sciences and Technologies in shots, hit the building alone, registering at least 25 shots. The Ertzaintza approached the site and, as a precautionary measure, the campus was immediately evicted. However, it has been found that there have been no injuries and the Department of Security of the Basque Government has reported that the aggressor was immediately arrested.

According to the University of the Basque Country, man is a student living in the same locality. At the time of the aggression, he explained to several faculty workers that he had no intention of causing harm to anyone, but simply opposing the university.