Arrested in Llodio accused of beating a woman with a glass cup in her head
  • Machista aggression has taken place on Sunday at 4 a.m. on Kurajo Street on the Llodio Bridge.
Aiaraldea @aiaraldea 2021eko azaroaren 02a
Laudioko Zubiko-Kurajo kalean jazo da gertaera. Argazkia:

The police reported to the Aiaraldea media that the detainee had assaulted his former partner sentimental.El man had beaten him in his head with a glass of glass and the woman had to be taken to the hospital at Cruces to be treated for the wounds.

Emergency services, the Municipal Police and the Ertzaintza have been displaced to the site. The case of male violence has been around 4 a.m. today.

The Feminist Movement of Llodio has denounced what happened through social networks:

84 court complaints last year

Last year in Aiaraldea, 84 judicial complaints about male violence were filed so far this year. According to the classification made by the Ertzaintza, of these complaints 48 corresponded to the aggression committed by the former partner (57.14%), 30 to family members and 6 to other family members.

The Feminist Movement of Aiaraldea has held numerous concentrations and mobilizations in recent times to denounce the aggressions suffered in the region.

For its part, the feminist group Otsemeak has launched at the beginning of the course a dynamic to anonymously collect the denunciation of cases of male violence. As you have explained, many testimonies have been received in very few days.

There have also been a number of women who have denounced the situation of their male violence and told how they have seized it.