A man is arrested in Pamplona for raping a woman
  • The security cameras around the scene have facilitated the arrest of the man.
Mattin Azpiroz Pagola 2023ko abenduaren 19a
Iruñea // Argazkia: Wikimedia Commons

A 23-year-old man is arrested on Monday by the Pamplona Municipal Police on charges of raping a 60-year-old woman.

The attack took place on Saturday night in the vicinity of the General Archive of Navarra, in the Casco Viejo. According to the data, two men tried to steal a woman's phone and bag using violence and one of them raped him before he fled. The security cameras in the area have allowed the arrest of the man for the first time.

The man is arrested in Ansoin and remains at the seat of the Municipal Guard until the case is made available to the judge.