A man is arrested in Burlada for machista violence
  • The man is arrested on Tuesday afternoon, after his partner asked for help from the balcony. On the weekend a man is arrested in Pamplona on charges of raping a woman.
Irati Irazusta Jauregi 2023ko maiatzaren 03a
Forunzaingoak astearte arratsaldean atxilotu du gizonezkoa, emakumea balkoira laguntza eske irten ostean. (Argazkia: Noticias de Navarra)

A man is arrested in Burlada for assaulting his partner. On Tuesday afternoon she has been arrested by the Foral Police, after leaving to ask for help from the balcony. The ambulance also approaches the scene of the attack and treats women with minor injuries. The man is taken to the police station of Beloso Alto Street.

Other detainee accused of rape

On the weekend a man is arrested in Pamplona by the Municipal Guard accused of raping a woman. It was Saturday night in a garden in the Buztintxuri district. News from Navarra explains that the detainee has a history of aggression against another woman.