ESAs will not be able to be processed in Barakaldo in the coming months
  • Barakaldo's social services have eliminated the possibility of processing social emergency aid for at least the next four months. This has been denounced by Berri Otxoak. The association recalls that in Barakaldo 10.1% of families are in extreme poverty.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko azaroaren 09a
Gizarte zerbitzuen hileta antzeztu dute, egoera salatzeko. Argazkia: Berri Otxoak

In the words of Berri Otxoak, the processing of this aid will be suspended from 3 November for at least four months: “They will leave the most precarious and impoverished population of Barakaldo without attention and protection.”

The members of the Association highlight their illegality because the regulation states that citizens have the right to carry out formalities with the public administration during the 12 months of the year. For this reason, Berri Otxoa will provide citizens wishing to receive this assistance with the resources and claims necessary to “exercise this right of care and exercise their rights”.

100 barakaldo on the street

The reduction occurs when 10.1 per cent of families in the city live in extreme poverty and the number of people sleeping on the street has doubled. 100 homeless people live on the street, according to the Socio-educational Intervention Service of Barakaldo.

Another element to measure the situation is: Every month 2,000 families pass through the two Barakaldo centres that are part of the Bizkaia Food Bank.