Irritation of ginkgo and small laughter
  • It vibrated our head and scared us ginkgo (Ginkgo's grandson). The strawberry cane was considered a long-lost tree species. They knew fossils of their leaves, nothing else.
Jakoba Errekondo 2024ko martxoaren 25
Japoniako Hiroshiman bonba nuklearra leherrarazi zutenean, aspalditik bizi zen ginkgo bat erre eta hurrengo urtean berritu zen. Berritu zen bizidun bakarra izan zen eta oraindik ere bizi da, argazkian ikus daitekeenez.

It belongs to the Persian era, 280 million years ago and was considered to have disappeared until the seventeenth century. German naturalist physician and traveler Engelberd Kaempfer met and described during his journey from Persia to Japan between 1683 and 1693. Some specimens were found in some curious Chinese sketches; it is dioic, some trees are totally masculine and others totally feminine. In 1730 the first ginkgo was planted in Europe, Utrecht, the Netherlands. Subsequently, the yoke formed by its architectural form and the golden fall of the hostage spread throughout the world. It's the only species that has survived its kind.

They are called living panchronic or fossil species: supposedly missing and suddenly stumbling upon some living specimens. Although China's forests were natural, recent research has shown that they are genetically very close and therefore planted forests at some point, and that they have the capacity to live thousands of years.

From genetics, ginkgo can look at us with a lot of passion. In 2016 a group of Chinese researchers published the draft genome of Ginkgo's grandson (Giga Science magazine, Rui Guan, etc.) And he clarified that he has 10.6 billion nuclear bases of DNA. In addition, it is estimated that it has about 41,840 genes that allow a large number of antibacterial and chemical defense mechanisms. We, all people with potential, only have 3.2 billion DNA bases and 20,000 to 25,000 genes. We are between one third and half of the genetic empowerment of ginkgo…

You can say it's the old trees that met the dinosaurs. And to clarify what century we are and especially our memory and remember who it is, it's proven that its leaves are the best remedy against bad memory. These fan-like leaves cure the sequestration of our breath and asthma; the simple fact of thinking about how the male and female have sex in the trees, etc. ; and the fact that there are trees capable of living thousands of years and that we forget, then, alleviates the evils of old age. It tells us with an irrimurrection: I am a very good medication, I tell you.

Its immense capabilities are very evident: in an ancient giant war, when a nuclear bomb in Hiroshima, Japan, exploded and in kilometres and kilometres there were no standing beams, a long-lived ginkgo was burned and renovated the following year. It was the only life that was renewed. They say he still lives… It has been declared a tourist center of peace.

We will end our world, the war of war, and the Ginkgo will continue there, with living fossils.