Counselor Gimeno sees no inconvenience in opening the line of model D in Larraga
  • A group of fathers and mothers of the San Miguel de Larraga Public College publicly reported in July that they had the request to open model D in the locality, but had no response from the Department of Education of the Government of Navarra.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko urriaren 28a
Larragako gurasoek eta herritarrek iragan urriaren 18an egindako agerraladia. (Arg.: Sortzen)

In MendigorrĂ­a the Model D line was finally opened in 2021, but a course was delayed and Larraga's parents feared it would happen. So they made their fear public in July and asked for the answer from the education department. Model D line requires eight children and in Larraga there are twelve.

The Education Advisor, Carlos Gimeno, answered that the procedures follow the usual course, and that he sees no difficulty in opening the line of model D in Larraga, answering this Thursday to a question from EH Bildu parliamentarian, Bakartxo Ruiz. That by the end of the enrollment period, you'll see how many boys and girls want to be in Model D and decide on it.