Sounds fake
  • Despite the fact that almost ten years have passed since they set aside the positions for the national and social liberation of Euskal Herria, the structures of Sortu (not the people) continue to surprise us.
Jon Iurrebaso Atutxa 2018ko abenduaren 16a

While at a rally the cry for the Basque republic is made public, at the same time the division of Euskal Herria is approved, with a theory of three different processes in the Basque territories, and who knows where they would join. All this in the hope that it will be well done and approved by the French and Spanish States, what a terrible thing!

Supposedly, being the most reasonable, the most just and the most promising, he decided to enter the occupying system and became the guarantor of the international community, but now they do not make any mention of it. The truth is that the international group has extensive experience throughout the world in dismantling the revolutionary movements of national liberation and, in short, the only thing it has done has been to contribute to the disintegration of the Basque National Liberation Movement, for the happiness of the Basque and Spanish bourgeoisie, capital and imperialism.

One day, after the indiscriminate action of the jihadists of Barcelona, the repressive forces of Spain were enaltecised. Also, from a democratic point of view, and within a few months, the Constitution is considered to be the prison of the peoples. The stench of the elections is evident, as the PNV does in Salburua, in an act in which independence is proclaimed, and a few minutes later it becomes a ziput of the occupants and of the capitalist order.

The international group has extensive experience throughout the world in dismantling the revolutionary movements of national liberation and, ultimately, the only thing it has done has been to help dismantle the Basque National Liberation Movement, for the happiness of the Basque and Spanish bourgeoisie, capital and imperialism.

All of a sudden, we would say for the umpteenth time that there is no possibility of articulating a dynamic of national and social liberation, because we cannot be content with everyone together, that is, the independence bases, capital and the pope. However, this type of behavior continues to be forgiven and, in addition, it is capable of attracting some consciences.

This dynamic is common in the PNV and has always been implemented, if there are no specific interests (crisis…), as the system will not make any concessions to last-minute apprentices, rejecting the support of the Basque bourgeoisie.

It seems a lie, as we said in the title of this brief reflection, that in December 2018 there are some who still complain that the government has made no gesture on the issue of Basque political prisoners. They seem to have made a great discovery.

We insist that 98% of enemies are arrogant, clumsy, imperialist losers, nationalists (including the left-wing majority) and will not have mercy, even if they do not generate any serious problems. That is what is happening precisely between the Sortu complex and the states we are dealing with.

It also seems to be a lie that constitutional reform is required and that, at the same time, compliance with the laws of the occupant, both on the street and in prisons, is required. According to these laws, several Basque militants are in prison in extreme conditions, and one of them will soon serve a sentence of 35 years.

Again, to explain it well, from within the monster you can't build a free future, it's impossible. We encourage you to reflect and debate. There is no need to submit, above all, to those who refuse to be free and masters of our destiny. Freedom is our right and our duty (for those who participated and for those who are going to participate in the struggle on our behalf), and only through the struggle will we be able to develop it.