Geyser HPC completely modified the Zaldibar landfill project.
  • In this phase of sharing responsibilities on the waste leap, the latest scandal has been the authorship of the project: The LKS of the Mondragon Group carried out its first project in 2004 and the Basque Government granted it the Integrated Environmental Authorisation (AAI) in 2007. But this project is not the one that the landfill company, Verter Recycling, implemented in 2011: In 2007, Verter handed over the project that had just acquired the IBB to the engineering company Geyser HPC, and it was completely transformed, as reported by the Vocento group in a statement. Yes, Geyser, you've probably hired in your country's waste accounts.
Estitxu Eizagirre @eeizagirre 2020ko otsailaren 17a
Geyser HPC enpresaren orri honek dio berak erabat birmoldatu zuela LKSk egindako Zaldibarko zabortegiaren proiektua.

In the long list of irregularities, he raised one more on February 16 in the Diario Vasco and in El Correo in David S. Olabarri: In 2007, Verter Recycling approached Geyser HPC to "optimise" construction, management and closure of the landfill.

This information, whether casual or not, comes at the time when responsibilities will be required: Urkullu has to appear in Parliament on 18 February, and he will not only do so surrounded by the Ministry. The news about Geyser apparently frees LKS from the responsibilities sludge, as it indicates that the project carried out by the Mondragon Group company in 2004 did not materialize, and details that Verter broke its relations with LKS. But this news may be more the way to dismiss the responsibility of the landfill company, Verter Recycling. In other words, delegating responsibilities to the subcontract, the fashion practice, as we have also seen among the politicians responsible for this case. Geyser, based in Leioa, with one leg for each of the European countries and heart in Germany, says on his "web" of the Zaldibar landfill (you can no longer see on his web): "He has offered technical advice to transform the project almost in its entirety and has carried out a new Construction Project", he added. But it also says more of its functions in the landfill: "Site management, economic studies, environmental monitoring in construction sites and health and safety coordination, environmental inspection programs". In fact, this one-page PDF presentation is the only trace on the Internet between Geyser and Verter, along with the news of the Vocento group. This PDF is no longer associated with Geyser's web. According to the Diario Vasco, it was removed from the website and is already available on the website of the Basque Government. We have not found it on the website of the Basque Government, but Google will bring it easily, with the 'Geyser Verter Recycling'. A very simple PDF, which allows you to correct the questions about many of the responsibilities of the pot that are at the moment. Too round? A tremendous scandal and an exclusive scandal if this is demonstrated? Seen what we've seen on this topic, it can be anything.

If there has been any error in the project or in the elaboration of them, it could be thought that the "fault" was of Geyser subcontracted. But there's something more terrible. Geyser also details in its Internet PDF the following adjectives to the objective of "optimizing" the Zaldibar project: "Technical and economic optimization". He then adds the phrase macabre to the events: "To follow up the project to adapt it as much as possible to the reality of the work, so that the volume and stability are the greatest possible". Vocento publishes on the same day the article in which El Mundo points out the cause of the waste fall from its owner: "The landfill received in 13 years the industrial waste to be managed in 35 years." And here again, Geyser's PDF contains a phrase related to landfill as a bottomless bag: Technical assistance on the holding and operating plans.




First page of the LKS project "Environmental Impact Study". According to the information published by the media of the Vocento group, it seems that although this project has the Environment permission of the Basque Government and the permission to start the works of the City of Zaldibar, it was not done.




The article in these newspapers poses a very great contradiction: it seems that the Basque Government’s Integrated Environmental Authorisation (AAI) has not been amended, even though Geyser made a completely different project. Who knows? The IBB which was issued in 2007 is visible, but has not undergone any changes and has undergone major changes. The IBB itself has from the outset declared Zaldibar as a "landfill of non-hazardous waste", and since then there have been sufficient changes in the AAI to allow asbestos. That is what Arriola and the mayor of Zaldibar say, we citizens have not seen any document of that permit. Regarding the permissions, what Geyser indicates in the little information he offers about this project on the web stands out. In fact, among the "benefits" that customers get when working with him, states that: "Procedures with the Environmental Body / Customer support until authorization of the Environmental Body". From the information we have extracted from the analysis of the Official Bulletins, here: Geyser carried out at least four studies for the Environment Department in 2007, 2010 and 2013. This period includes the period between the "transformation" of the Zaldibar project and the completion of the work (2007-2011) (see article end table).

In one week it was found that landfill management and environmental pollution were carried out in an uncontrolled manner. With what controls was the work performed? The initial LKS project was open to claims for a period of time and was announced in the Official Gazette of Bizkaia. This was not done with Geyser's project. What do the Zaldibar City Council and the Basque Government have to say about this?

There is only one way to bring out citizens and public institutions with a little dignity from this scandal that has led the lives of two workers and that has endangered public health by polluting the air of the environment (and water is not visible) that lives 20,000 people: That the Basque Government publish the complete documentation of the company Verter Recycling 2002 in relation to the Zaldibar landfill. Geyser did so and started with this project that seems to have materialized into reality. Following all the modifications made to the Environmental Authorisation. And that Verter Recycling shows the contracts with Geyser and the other companies (it is a common request of the public in the dark management of waste, show the contract).

The longer the project modified by Geyser (which was launched, real), the documents of the changes made by the Basque Government in the AAI, and the reports received by the Vice-Office of the Environment of the company Verter Recycling, the citizens are reduced to the hypotheses that companies can commit crimes before the nose of citizenship, in all cases (thus).



- For the Environmental Department "Soil Quality Study in the Industrial Estate of Goiain" (2007). Research on soil quality in industrial areas built in suspected contaminated areas (2007). monitoring and monitoring of the environmental impact of inactive public landfills (2010). Monitoring and monitoring the environmental impact of inactive public landfills (2013).

- Draft application for integrated environmental authorisation of the San Marcos de Donostialdea landfill (2011). Optional direction of the project for closure and recovery of Phase I landfill (2004). Landfill II. Contract for the drafting of the draft detail for the closure and recovery of the phase (2009).Address of the works corresponding to phase I of the non-hazardous waste cell in the Aizmendi landfill (2015).

- Study on the adequacy of the Sasieta de Beasain landfill to the requirements of the directive (2000). Project site address for recovery and closure of phase 1 of the Sasieta landfill (and other works) (2008). Drafting of the draft extension of landfill limits (2008). Project phase 2a recovery and closure of the landfill (2016).

- Epele de Bergara: study of the adequacy of the landfill, depositing the waste in the landfill, following the requirements of the Royal Decree regulating the disposal of waste (2003).

- Bilbao, Artigas: Technical assistance for the drafting of the construction project of deposit sealing (2003).

- Study of the former tailings of the Bermeo incinerator (2006).

- Barakaldo: Soil quality research studies and environmental actions in the Paz-Tellaetxe area (2012)

- Orduña: project to recover and seal the landfill and control the site of Los Milanos (2014).

- Igorre: advice and technical direction of the environmental recovery works of the urban waste repository. Phase III: Final closure. (2017)

- Galdakao: action on potentially contaminated soils: The Shooting Field and the Road to Basabe (2017)

- Was hired by the Bizkaia Water Consortium to measure the thermal resistance of the land in the Ibarra district in 2018.