Our Osakidetza in Donostialdea
Itziar Mujika 2023ko abenduaren 07a

OSI Donostialdea is the largest organization in Osakidetza. The OSI consists of many peoples: Oiartzun, Lezo, Errenteria, Pasaia, Lasarte-Oria, Donostia, Urnieta, Andoain, Astigarraga, Hernani, Usurbil, Aizarnazabal, Zestoa, Getaria, Zumaia, Zarautz, Orio and Aia. Health care for the citizens of these municipalities.

We have already heard, now on the occasion of Christmas, that from 4 December we are going to have a reorganisation: we are going to be restricted, that is a restriction, and staff at all levels are not guaranteed in all services, another restriction. All this affects health care and our health.

Those responsible for Osakidetza have told us that it is difficult to find health workers, especially hard to get doctors. We have constantly heard that there are no doctors and, to put it so many times, we want to believe it. But where are the doctors? Have they disappeared? My question is, why is it increasingly difficult to find staff to work in Osakidetza? What happened? I have not yet heard of this lack in private enterprise, given that there are more and more companies and that they have more work.

We have constantly heard that there are no doctors and, insisting, those responsible for Osakidetza want us to create

Over ten years ago we realized what was going to come. On the one hand, the shift and social change and the ageing by age of Osakidetza staff. What have you done? What planning have you made? What have our superiors responsible for Osakidetza done? Furthermore, policy makers have not changed. We have reached the situation in which we have managed them. Will they be able to solve and leave our Osakidetza?

Yes, the situation is bad and they have discredited Osakidetza and are doing business at the expense of our health. Shame.

The counsellor, Mrs Sagardui, tells us that there is a remedy: public-private partnership. I disagree, no. This partnership is privatization, it is putting our money, our public money, into private hands, and by the way, our Osakidetza becomes weaker and destroyed.

Reduction of staff in all Health Centers and increased occupation. New jobs in private companies, poor working conditions and work, mostly women.

When faced with a health problem, where are we going? Who can, perhaps, be private?

That is enough. Strengthen Osakidetza. Health is ours. Do not steal. Do not destroy.

Itziar Mujika

DOPA Donostialdea for Public Health