Getxophoto, more street than ever
  • The Getxophoto Image Festival will hold its fourteenth edition between 3 and 27 September, and like all other cultural initiatives that have not been suspended, the BegHandi Cultural Association, in charge of the organization, will have to adapt to the new situation. Thus, they have explained that so far the Getxophoto will be "the most street, the most digital and the most participative" in the presentation made. A motto, very appropriate, to the street!
Unai Brea @unaibrea2 Hiruka .eus 2020ko uztailaren 15

Its director, Jokin Aspuru, has pointed out that the organization of the festival has been a great challenge in the situation generated by the pandemic. "95% of the exhibitions will be held in public spaces, outdoors, especially on the axis of the beach of Ereaga to the Puerto Viejo and in the edict of Algorta," he explained. In addition, they added that online programming will also be very good.

The new Commissioner Jon Uriarte insinuates the title of this year, Kalera!, "with the objective of exploring public spaces," notes the press release sent by the Getxo City Hall to report the presentation. According to the organizers, this year it is planned to hold a more "hybrid" festival in which artists from more than 40 countries will display in Getxophoto works made through different media: photography, video, installations, cinema, virtual reality, digital art...

A number of developments

This edition will feature new features, such as special programming over the Internet. Among them, the Instagram facial filters competition, which was announced in June. The Shared Screen initiative has also been launched, which will collect images from video conversations during confinement.

In addition, and as usual, the program consists of eleven activities: guided day and night tours, tours, laboratories, meetings for reflection... As for exhibitions, they will try to raise awareness of issues such as climate emergency, racism, patriarchy, etc. These include "work on the sex workers of Charlotte Schmitz, on the racism of Felipe Beltrán, on the Hong Kong protests of Thaddé Coma, on the transport of Michael Wolf or on the waste of Mentalgassi in Berlin."