Only half of the new Getxo agents will need to know Basque
  • Getxo City Hall has agreed to create ten new Municipal Police jobs within the budget agreed with the PNV, PSE-EE and pp. Of the posts created, only five will have to certify the level B2 of Euskera.

Leire Ibar 2024ko urriaren 23a
Getxoko Udala bat etorri da Auzitegiak B2 mailaren eskaera baliogabetu izanarekin. Getxoko udala

The decision represents a substantial change in the policies pursued so far in most Basque municipalities, and is adapted to the latest court rulings. In fact, the resolution issued in September by the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country stated that it is not necessary for all Local Police officers to necessarily know euskera.Consider or that it is "disproportionate" to demand a certain level of Euskera for all posts. In the face of this judicial decision, the City of Getxo has undertaken to respect the criteria that have been adopted on this occasion. Thus, only half of the interviewees should have knowledge of the Basque country.

According to El Correo, the councillor of personnel and organization, Inaxio Uriarte, explained that the decision to change criteria was taken by the municipal services of Euskera and that it was approved by the Basque Government.

The mayor of Getxo, Amaia Agirre, has defended the decision by arguing that it responds to the linguistic reality of the people: It may be a desire for all citizens to speak in Basque, but the reality is very different. EH Bildu strongly criticized this decision, in which he considered it a "setback" in the normalization of the Basque country.