The GuNe collective highlights the "failure" of Ibarbengoa parking in Getxo
  • A single occupied place, of the 304 parking spaces. This is how the collective GuNe described the situation of the parking next to the metro station of Ibarbengoa, built in the rural area Tosu of the Andra Mari district of Getxo, "on September 2, during working hours". In an ironic writing, the need to build a parking space is questioned. "What did they spend EUR 6 million for, apart from the cost overruns? they've questioned.
Unai Brea @unaibrea2 Hiruka .eus 2020ko irailaren 07a
Argazkia: Metro Bilbao

GuNe members have stated that two months after its inauguration, the parking lot has exhausted bulbs and cracks: -Seen what. Someone might think that the parking lot has followed the path of the ghost Ibarbengoa station and that the goal of both is to make a Hollywood movie to record a horror movie."

"Someone else could have answered," continues the note, "that the motto 'Getxo berdea maite zaitut' which the City Hall disseminates does not refer to the nature, but to the color of the tickets that someone has sacrificed with this project." "Finally, we could think that in 2007 the parking lot is nothing more than a revenge against the neighbors that prevented the construction of 7,000 houses in Andra Mari, and that it is the first step to fill the concrete neighborhood, this time 'little by little', that's right."

Finally, they have criticized the "right-handed managers" of the PNV for "spending everybody's money to achieve their particular and partisan interests and for destroying the remaining natural spaces".