Claim the need for free and self-managed spaces in Getxo
  • Hundreds of people claimed on Saturday at the Gaztetxe Itzubaltzeta III rally in the Chess Square of Las Arenas that the only way to fight "the institutional injustices imposed" by the municipal government of Getxo is to organize and mobilize. They also called on the citizens to yellow the balconies of the village in defense of self-managed space.
Hiruka .eus Iker Rincon Moreno 2020ko maiatzaren 17a

Maintaining the security distances, more than a hundred people congregated on Saturday in the Chess Square of Las Arenas to support gaztetxe Itzubaltzeta III. "Once again, we have demonstrated our strength and we have been an example. All thanks to you," the young people stressed as soon as the mobilization began.

The concentrates denounced that the municipal government of Getxo (PNV and PSE-EE) does not take into account the opinion of the citizens when making their decisions, "not to contribute our bit to Itzubaltzeta". They also stressed the importance of organizing, fighting and the need for cooperation. In this regard, they regretted that the aggression against gaztetxe by the City Council is understandable: "Because it is a space that does not want to give freedom of action, because it does not want the working class to organize itself against its interests. The people, and especially the youth, do not want the space we use to develop critical thinking and organize activities of a diverse, anticapitalistic and solidary nature". For all these reasons, they claimed aloud that "it is more necessary" than ever to have a gaztetxe in the village and in the neighborhood: "Any people, because it should be a space to promote all the features mentioned, a people, a gaztetxe! ".

"Let them see what they have caused every time they go around!"

Coloring the town in yellow

In order to visualize the movement in favor of the gaztetxe Itzubaltzeta, yesterday a proposal was made to color the neighborhood yellow: "Every time they go through here, let them see what they have caused! ". To do so, they appealed to hang yellow t-shirts, rags and banners from balconies and windows. They have also announced that they want to collect signatures in favour of the agents to "show the support of the Gaztetxe Kukutza" to the initiative.