EH Bildu and PNV of Getaria sign a declaration against the boat Elcano of the Spanish Army
  • The boat of the Spanish Army Juan Sebastián Elcano will arrive this Saturday at Getaria (Gipuzkoa), and against the presence of this warship, EH Bildu and the PNV have signed a communiqué conjunto.El Saturday and Sunday are called numerous protests and initiatives for the reform of the law.
ARGIA @argia 2019ko uztailaren 05
Elcanoren monumentua Getarian.

In the note, EH Bildu and PNV of Getaria have denounced that the presence of a Spanish Army warship in a people of sovereign majority is "alien" to the majority of the population in general. In this sense, the municipal group wanted to clarify four issues, as stated in the published note:

1. The City Council of Getaria expresses its opposition to the symbolic value generated by the vessel Juan Sebastián Elcano de la Marina Española.

2. The City Council of Getaria claims the national character of Euskal Herria and states that it will continue to work towards an independent sovereign state.

3. For the City of Getaria, the demonstrations and demonstrations of the Spanish Army do not coincide with the characteristics of the people.

4. The City Council of Getaria calls on the citizens not to fall into provocations, peacefully demonstrating their unease.

On Sunday, the ONGI platform Etorri Errefuxiatuak convened at 9:30 the Getaria moilan initiative, after which, at 11:00, the same association will perform a performance on the beach of Malkorbe. The events will end at 12:00 hours with an anti-militarist concentration in Getaria Square.