The former mayor of Getaria will appeal to the judgment of the Balenciaga museum
  • He gave his friends several things that were in the museum pieces. “I didn’t think so,” said former Mayor Mariano Camio.
Mikel Eizagirre 2020ko irailaren 21
Mariano Camio. Argazkia: EITB

The Mayor of Getaria, Mariano Camio Uranga, of the PNV, has filed an appeal of unconstitutionality before the Supreme Court. In an interview, Torrent told the digital media that "there is no basis" for accusing him.

Camio was mayor of Getaria between 1983 and 1999. In this political trajectory, however, the author committed several irregularities at the Balenciaga Museum, where he was arrested. Camio was sentenced to four and a half years in jail for a National Court ruling in 2019 and to return 50,000 euros to the defendant.

An investigation that lasted more than a decade yielded clear evidence that the museum’s project funds were used for personal benefit. Among them, Camio benefited from the work of the Cuban architect Julián Argilagos, whom he maintained a close relationship with him. Getaria opened the museum in 2011 and not in 2003, as planned. The cost overruns increased the last invoice to EUR 30 million, which was initially estimated in pesetas.

Numerous reports indicate that there is damage to some of Balentziaga’s pieces that were moved by Camio and Argilagos to Miami (USA). In addition, part of the collection was held by the wives of the ediles of the PNV of Getaria, including the wife of the congressman, Iñaki Txueka.