I am increasingly hearing that this non-life, this persistence, is nothing more than the prelude to what is coming to us. Accounts are now the only option that can be given to society. This morning at the grocery store we found three of the crew in a hallway and talked about the death of the mother of a quarter of the crew. The one that was everybody's mother, and it seemed like we were doing something wrong, we've only talked a couple of minutes and we've behaved as if we were afraid the police would show up. Leave me alone...
Let's leave the accounts and go to the garden. In fact, the orchard is one of the options, almost the only one. During World War II, in 1943, James Burdette published in the United States the Manual for the Creation of Triumphant Orchards. The key was simple: growing the orchard in your own home or in the public land around you. Create food for others: family, neighbor, neighborhood, poor... These orchards improved the lives of the community and its inhabitants, and also helped at the end of the war. Gardens of Triumph.
This brochure is still exemplary. Today we are experiencing something worse than war and, leaving aside what is coming, we are going to the vegetable garden. Then, the circumstances. But the future will be hotter for the horticulturist, gentler. This is the result that has been obtained and that has been adjusted.
Tips for anyone who wants to create the garden from scratch. Baga: know the environment. It is not the same to make a vegetable garden in Bakio, Villabuena or Abaurrea Alta. Biga: know the earth. Whatever it is, natural fertilizers and use them as best as possible. Fig. Make an exhaustive list, what foods will you need? Adjust your job, how many lettuces will you eat? Every fifteen days, I will plant 24 or 48 small lettuce. Some benefits are conservable; learn the most appropriate means to do so. Buy to plant the plants you need or create in the seed house? Each plant has its own cycle and a month after sowing radish is eaten, but a year later the leek. It's important for planning. Boga: distribute the garden area: tables, gardens, corners... Learn what kinds of plants are working together as auxiliaries. Sega: perform seasonal work. Define the work to be done at each time of the year; the calendar is important, but the environment and time are more important. Zai: to start ask the person who sells plants in the area and buy. Zon: make a ditch, obligatory. Convert the remains of the house and vegetable garden into fertilizer. Bele: Don’t forget the collaborators: pollinators, birds and animals that will keep the pests in size. What do we have to do to attract the garden?
Whatever you are, it will always be a victory to run away. You will be defeated. Beat yourself. The hardest thing you've done already. The rest, as the poet said, will be the sneezing of the bat's midday. Nothing but war.