GKS organizes mobilizations against war and fascism by 25 January
  • The Socialist Youth Coordinator has organized mobilizations in Bilbao and Pamplona/Iruña to denounce the Western authorities' commitment to war. It has therefore called for mobilisation in the face of the rise of fascism in Catalonia.

Leire Ibar 2024ko abenduaren 13a
Ostegun goizean egin dute agerraldia. GKS

The mobilizations will aim to denounce two serious problems generated by western capitalist society: "threat of war" and "expansion of new fascism." In the face of this, the youth organization has considered it necessary to mobilize. On Thursday morning a public hearing was held in which the calls were made known.

The youth organisation has denounced that the Western authorities have opted for war, which permanently affects the class trabajadora.El GKS points out that the threat of war has increased and that the risk of war within the European Union is increasing.

The organization has also warned that, due to the rise of fascism, the dissemination of reactionary ideas is also on the increase. The fascist groups, who have positioned themselves "against the globalist elite and post-modern culture", have explained that they spread an ideology of hatred against the working class. “They fight vulnerable sectors of the working class and whitewash those who are truly responsible.”

Finally, GKS has stressed that in Euskal Herria this increase is also taking place and that Machian, Racist and Clasistan groups are recovering in the street. He has therefore called for participation in the demonstrations on 25 January so that fascism and the warmongering agendas "do not normalize in the Basque Country".