In the War of 1936 the fascists remember the shot in Usurbil and Marvels Lamberto Deierri
  • Testimonies collected by the Usurbil Association 1936 have revealed that during the Spanish Civil War, fascist troops killed and buried many friends along with the current N-634 in Irubide.
ARGIA @argia 2022ko irailaren 19a
Fusilatuen senideak, monolitoaren alboan / Argazkia: Noaua

The members of the association have only been able to collect testimonies from the citizens, both those who lived at that time and their descendants, as Noaua magazine has gathered. "The search for documents has been sterile for the time being, as most were arrested or imprisoned and led to death here without trial," said the members of Usurbil 1936. Therefore, the reminder installed in Irubide does not specify the name and surname of those killed. "Based on some testimonies, we believe that we have identified two, despite not having complete confidence," they explain.

The recovery of memory spaces is one of the objectives of the association, and the fourth of Irubide in this sense. One in the cemetery of Aginaga, the second on a curve of the Meaga-Oikia road and the third on the ikastola of Udarrangi, in memory of a shot teacher. "Today is the fourth day that it is 86 years since the coup in Usurbil entered," explains Xuban Zubiria, a member of the association, at an event held on Sunday where the reminder for recognition of victims has been placed.

Marvels Lamberto reminds Ibiriku in Deierri

Marvels Lamberto was 14 years old when the civilian chariots arrested his father. He was also in Larraga's house and wanted to go with his father. Marvels was raped again and again by the civil guard and killed with her father.

86 years later, at the place where they were killed, an act of remembrance has been held on Sunday to Ibiriku Deierrin, Marvels Lamberto. They have also placed a stone trail in their honour, the work of Pello Iraizoz.