The programme will recall the 83rd anniversary of the Gernika bombing with three days of activities
  • The association Gernika MEMORIAGUNE has presented a schedule that can be followed from Friday to Sunday from the balcony of the house. The ikurrina and the black ribbon have made an appeal to go out to the balcony on Sunday, while a mermaid has been placed at noon and a candle has been turned on at night.
Maria Ortega Zubiate @ortegazubiate 2020ko apirilaren 24a
Xingola beltza duen ikurriña. Argazkia: El Correo.

The association states that the anniversary of the bombing has caught them "covered." At this time of uncertainty and fear, the association has stated that the majority of the population is protecting each other and taking care of each other.

Those who prioritize the values of protection of the economy have it “difficult”, as “just as Gernika rose from the ashes, also on this occasion, placing interpersonal relations and life at the center, we will achieve common goals”. They have reminded people who are far from home, in prisons, as well as women who live “scared at home with whom they abuse”.

They have also looked at the international world and reminded “other peoples of Gernika, who are suffering the terror of the bombings.” Special mention has been made of refugees. The statement concludes that the result of an exceptional situation may be the construction of a society other than yours.


Despite the special circumstances, the association has presented its programming for the whole weekend. From this Friday and until Sunday, interviews, concerts and messages from the main international actors will be offered. The main call was made on 26 April, but there have been no injuries. Throughout the day they have called for the Ikurrina to come out on the balcony with a black ribbon; at 15:45 the mermaid will be heard in all the village (the one who does not have it can download the sound on the web) and at 21:30 the candles will be lit.




Programming of the 83rd anniversary of the Gernika bombing.