Gernika Memoriagune platform organizes a program on the 84th anniversary of the bombing
  • A number of activities will be carried out between 15 April and 3 May. The organizers have anticipated that this year's novelty will be the song "Gernika Bizirik", which will be heard in Basque.
ARGIA @argia 2021eko apirilaren 14a
Plataformaren agerraldi bat, urriaren 12an ospatzekorik ez dagoela aldarrikatuz (Argazkia: Busturialdeko Hitza)

On the 84th anniversary of the Gernika bombing, the Gernika Memory-Leku platform has prepared a joint programme to commemorate the anniversary. Between 15 April and 3 May, several activities have been organized, including online interviews, talks, audiovisual activities, advocacy actions, walks and others. “The most obvious novelty is that this year the Gernikarra musician Jon Rementeria Larruzea has made the song “Gernika Bizirik”, the members of the platform have advanced.

Gernika Batzordea, Gernika-Lumo Sare, Arrano Kultur Elkartea, Ipes, Gernika Garretan, Gernika Zine-Kluba and Lobak are the groups that complete the programme.

Full programme: